Philip Heerema, the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited., and Calgary Stampede Foundation Class Action


(March 14, 2025)

All claims received by the Claims Administrator have been assessed, and all final determination letters have been issued. We also confirm that each point is worth $16,917.89. To calculate how much you will be receiving, multiply the number of points you received with the point value. The Claims Administrator is in the process of sending each Class Member their pro-rata distribution, and payments are currently expected to by issued by the end of March 2025.


(January 9, 2025)

Now that the claims period has expired, the Claims Administrator is completing their review and assessment of the claims received. The assessments are to be completed by January 30, and we anticipate Class Members will start receiving letters regarding their claims submitted and any applicable assessed points soon.

Once all of the claims have been fully processed, the Claims Administrator will then post on their website the corresponding dollar amount per assessed point. That will allow the Class Members to know how much of the settlement funds they are expected to receive, since each Class Member will have previously been provided notice of their assessed points. The Claims Administrator will also be providing confirmation of the Class Members’ final pro-rata amount when issuing payment.


(July 2, 2024)

The Alberta Court of King’s Bench has approved the Settlement Agreement on damages and costs against the Stampede Defendants on behalf of the Class. Linked below is a copy of the Notice of Settlement Approval and Order granted June 28, 2024.

The Stampede Defendants’ insurers have paid an all-inclusive amount of $9.5 million to settle this action against the Stampede Defendants. After deduction of legal fees, taxes, disbursements, honoraria and administration expenses, the net settlement fund will be paid to Eligible Class Members as set out in the Settlement Agreement and Distribution Protocol. The full Settlement Agreement and Distribution Protocol may be viewed at:

Class Members have until December 31, 2024 to make a claim for a payment from the Settlement Fund. If you do not make a claim by December 31, 2024, then you will not qualify to receive a payment from the Settlement Fund. To submit a claim, please follow the steps outlined at:

You can also obtain more information about this settlement by contacting the Claims Administrator:

Calgary Stampede Class Action Claims Administrator
c/o Epiq Class Action Services Canada Inc.
P.O. Box 507 STN B
Ottawa Ontario K1P 5P6
Telephone: 1-877-408-5432

Notice of Settlement Approval (long form)

Notice of Settlement Approval (short form) 

Order Approving Settlement


(June 25, 2024)

Further to the Settlement Approval Hearing scheduled for June 28, 2024, Class Counsel has filed the following materials with the Court:

Application for Settlement Approval and Class Counsel Fees and Disbursements 

Affidavit of NB 

Affidavit of Amy Kuang 

Written Brief of Law and Argument 


(June 20, 2024)

Further to the Settlement Approval Hearing scheduled for June 28, 2024, Class Counsel has filed the following materials with the Court: 

Application for Settlement Approval and Class Counsel Fees and Disbursements 

Affidavit of N.B.  

Class Counsel anticipates on filing a written brief in support of the Application as well and will post that once it has been submitted for filing with the Court.


(April 30, 2024)

Further to the tentative resolution on damages and costs, a Settlement Agreement was executed by the parties on April 26, 2024. The Alberta Court of King’s Bench has approved the Notice to the Class regarding the hearing for approval of the proposed Settlement Agreement. Linked below is a copy of the Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing, Order granted April 30, 2024, and an Affidavit attaching a copy of the proposed Settlement Agreement. The hearing to approve the proposed Settlement Agreement is scheduled for June 28, 2024, commencing at 2:00pm MT. If you agree with the proposed Settlement Agreement, you do not need to do anything at the moment. Please note that any objections to the proposed Settlement Agreement must be received by Class Counsel by June 14, 2024 at 11:49 pm MT, as set out in the Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing.

Order re First Notice Approval - April 30, 2024

Proposed Settlement Agreement (attached as Exhibit A to the Affidavit of G. Price - April 30, 2024)

Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing


(February 6, 2024)

The Representative Plaintiff and Stampede Defendants have reached a tentative resolution on damages and costs, subject to Court approval and the establishment of an approved claims and distribution process. The resolution includes a commitment by the Stampede Defendants’ insurers to pay an all-inclusive amount of $9.5 million to settle the claims of Class Members. It also includes a commitment to additional and enhanced measures and programs. The tentative resolution was agreed to between the parties following extensive settlement discussions, including involving the assistance of two Court of King’s Bench Justices. If formally implemented, it is the parties’ hope that the resolution will provide impacted Class Members with a measure of closure and aid in the healing process. The parties will be available to comment on the particulars of a settlement agreement, claims and distribution process, upon Court approval of the settlement agreement.




(September 26, 2023) 

The Alberta Court of King’s Bench has approved the settlement on liability against the Calgary Stampede Foundation and the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited (collectively the “Stampede Defendants”) on behalf of the Class in the Alberta Court of King’s Bench Court File No. 1701-04755.  

N.B. v Philip Heerema, the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited., and Calgary Stampede Foundation - Certification Granted.

The proceeding filed by Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP against Philip Heerema, the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited., and Calgary Stampede Foundation has been certified as a Class Action by the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench in Calgary.

The lawsuit alleges that the Class Members who were male students, employees, contractors, or volunteers with the Young Canadians organization of the Calgary Stampede Foundation and/or the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited were sexually exploited, sexually lured, and / or sexually assaulted by Philip Heerema, or at risk. The lawsuit also alleges that the Calgary Stampede Foundation and the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited failed to provide a safe and secure environment free of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. Further, the lawsuit alleges that the Calgary Stampede Foundation and the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited failed to adequately supervise Philip Heerema and failed to establish, implement, or enforce adequate policies, practices, or procedures to protect Class Members against sexual abuse or exploitation from staff and faculty of the Calgary Stampede Foundation and the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited. The lawsuit alleges that the Calgary Stampede Foundation and the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited are vicariously liable for Philip Heerema’s actions.

The Class has been defined by the Court as:

All individuals who were male, or identified as male, and were students, employees, contractors, or volunteers of the Young Canadians between August 1, 1987, to January 31, 2014.

Speaking to a Lawyer

Affected Class Members are encouraged to contact