April 18, 2024
7 JSS Barristers Lawyers have been recognized in the 28th Edition of the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory
We are proud to announce that seven JSS Barristers lawyers have been recognized in the 28th Edition of the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory. Congratulations to Andrew P. Wilson KC, Bryan C. Duguid KC, FCIArb, Carsten Jensen KC, FCIArb, Gavin Price, Glenn Solomon KC, FCIArb, ICD.D, Robert J. Hawkes KC, and Sabri M. Shawa KC, FCIArb, who were voted as the 2024 Leading Legal Practitioners across Canada based on an extensive peer survey process.
The identification of leading practitioners and firms is based upon a comprehensive annual survey, ongoing since 1994. The selected lawyers have been recommended by their law firm leaders. They are acknowledged as leaders in their respective fields, lawyers prominent in their practice areas and professional organizations, and professionals worthy of significant recognition from their colleagues.
Learn more at: https://www.lexpert.ca/rankings