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Category: Employment Law

Am I Valid? Unpacking Termination Clauses in Employment Contracts

June 12, 2024

Termination clauses in employment contracts can limit the amount of severance owed to an employee terminated without cause. But are they enforceable? Simon McCleary and Filippo Titi unpack this complex and evolving area of employment law.

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Unilateral Unpaid Leave of Absence May Not Trigger Constructive Dismissal

November 3, 2022

Erin J. Baker and Sarah Miller outline the main takeaways from Justice MacNaughton's decision in Parmar v Tribe Management Inc. that a mandatory vaccination policy in the workplace may not trigger constructive dismissal.

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Mandatory Vaccinations in the Workplace

July 22, 2021

With the widespread availability of COVID-19 vaccinations in Canada, employers are anxious to get their employees vaccinated and “back to normal,” employers are likely thinking about what they can do to return to pre-pandemic operations. The question then arises: can an employer require employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine? And, if an employee refuses, what options does the employer have?

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Refusing to Return to Work? CERB Isn't the Answer

June 18, 2020

Some low-wage workers are opting to continue receiving their CERB benefits citing that the payments are more than their paycheques. Cassandra Sutter issues a warning against that approach.

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Suing After a Workplace Accident

June 16, 2020

If you have been injured at work, Maureen McCartney-Cameron lists 5 things that you should be aware of when bringing an action to your employer.

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