August 6, 2024
Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP Earns Prestigious Recognition in the 2024 CHRR 5-Star DE&I Employers
Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP (JSS Barristers) is delighted to announce its inclusion in the prestigious 2024 CHRR 5-Star Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Employers, a comprehensive roundup that highlights the best in the industry.
As an impartial authority in the HR sector, Canadian HR Reporter conducted an exhaustive research study to identify and showcase the industry's top performers. In this thorough assessment, JSS Barristers has emerged as one of the distinguished contributors to the industry.
Canadian HR Reporter’s 30+ strong Intelligence Unit determined the winners by following a rigorous process, which included interviewing objective industry professionals, and conducting extensive research using 5-Star DE&I criteria.
JSS Barristers takes immense pride in being acknowledged as one of the industry's finest within the HR domain.
Managing Director, Debbie Davis, says: “I am extremely proud of the way our firm has maintained a culture of diversity and inclusivity over the past many years. It’s one of the things that makes JSS Barristers such a great place to work.”
Chris Sweeney, Managing Editor for Special Reports at Canadian HR Reporter, shared his insights on the selection process, stating, "It was inspirational to learn about the initiatives and programs the nationwide nominees have implemented. Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP were recognised as winners for their commitment and steadfast belief in promoting diversity and inclusion, and for ensuring their employees are part of a culture which values them all.”
This recognition underscores Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP's dedication to industry excellence and its continued commitment to delivering exceptional results.
For further information, please contact:
Managing Director
Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP
(403) 571-1511