Bar Admissions
University of British Columbia, JD
Wuhan University, LL.M.
Nankai University, LL.B.

Chunyi Huang is an Associate at JSS Barristers. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and is able to practice in both languages.
Practice areas in which Chunyi is involved are administrative, public and regulatory law; appeals; arbitration; class actions; construction law; corporate and commercial litigation; defamation & communications; employment law; oil & gas litigation; securities and shareholder litigation; and trusts, wills and estates litigation.
Prior to attending law school in Canada, Chunyi earned two law degrees in China. She worked for a national firm at its Shanghai office from 2016 to early-2018 and was admitted to practice law in China. Her practice focused on foreign direct investment (FDI), mergers and acquisitions, and regulatory compliance. Chunyi immigrated to Canada in 2019.
While attending law school at UBC, she volunteered with the Law Students’ Legal Advice Program and with Pro Bono Students Canada. In addition, she competed in the 2021 Adam F. Fanaki Competition Law Moot and was awarded Best Factum-Appellant, alongside her moot partner. Chunyi also served as Vice-President of the Asia Pacific Law Club at UBC.
When not working, Chunyi enjoys traveling and a wide range of outdoor sports such as hiking, kayaking, and horseback riding. In addition, she enjoys puzzles, as well as trying different restaurants and spending time with her family and friends.
黄春怡是一名毕业于不列颠哥伦比亚大学的法学博士,目前在JSS Barristers 担任律师。她能流利地使用英语和普通话这两种语言开展工作。
春怡在加拿大读法学院之前,已在中国获得了两个法律学位,并于 2016 年至 2018 年初在一家全国性律师事务所的上海办公室工作。之后,她获得了中国的律师执业资格。春怡于 2019 年移民加拿大。
在不列颠哥伦比亚大学法学院就读期间,她曾在法学院学生法律咨询计划 (Law Students’ Legal Advice Program) 及加拿大学生法律公益服务 (Pro Bono Students Canada) 中担任志愿者。此外,她还参加了 2021 年 Adam F. Fanaki Competition Law Moot 模拟法庭竞赛,并与队友一起被授予了“最佳事实陈述书-上诉人”(Best Factum-Appellant) 奖项。春怡还曾担任不列颠哥伦比亚大学亚太法律俱乐部的副主席。