Bar Admissions
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, LL.M. (Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution)
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, LL.M. (Administrative Law)
University of Alberta, LL.B.
University of Calgary, BA
The Law Society of Alberta
The Calgary Bar Association
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Institute of Corporate Directors, Canada
Litigation Counsel of America
Calgary Zoological Society:
Chair - Board of Trustees (May 2019 - May 2022)
Vice-Chair - Board of Trustees (May 2017 - May 2019)
Member - Governance Committee (2015 - 2019)
Chair - Fundraising Committee (2014)
Trustee (May 2013 - May 2022)
Calgary Zoo Foundation:
Chair - Board of Directors (May 2019 - May 2022)
Vice-Chair - Board of Directors (May 2017 - May 2019)
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Alberta Branch
Branch Executive Member (2019 - present)
Alberta Management Opted-Out & Excluded Long-Term Disability Income Continuance Plan Second Level Appeal Board
Board Member (2014 - present)
Alberta Law Review
Practitioner Advisor (2005 to present)
City of Calgary, License and Community Standards Appeal Board:
Board Member (2010 - 2014)
Pipeline Arbitration Committee
Arbitrator (Federal Ministerial appointment under the National Energy Board Act) (2009 - 2014)
Awards & Recognition
Best Lawyers
Administrative and Public Law
Best Lawyers
Appellate Practice
Best Lawyers
Director and Officer Liability Practice
Best Lawyers
International Arbitration
2023 - 2025
The Legal 500
Leading Individual
2014 - 2024
Chambers Canada
Litigation: General Commercial (AB)
2023 - 2024
Chambers Canada
Litigation: Securities (AB)
2015 - 2025
Best Lawyers
Corporate Commercial Litigation (Peer Review)
2021 - 2025
Best Lawyers
Privacy and Data Security Law (Peer Review)
2012 - 2025
LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell
AV Preeminent (Peer Review)
Legal Ability and Ethical Standards
2012 - 2025
AV Preeminent (Peer Review)
Legal Ability and Ethical Standards
2017 - 2024
Benchmark Litigation
Litigation Star
2015 - 2025
LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell
AV Preeminent (Judicial Review)
Legal Ability and Ethical Standards
2011 - 2016, 2020 - 2024
Commercial Litigation
Repeatedly Recommended
2022 - 2023
Best Lawyers
Lawyer of the Year, Calgary
Privacy & Data Security Law
2021 - 2025
Litigation Counsel of America
The Trial Lawyer Honorary Society
The Order of Certus
The Order of Veritas
2013 - 2016
Benchmark Litigation
Litigation Star
Energy & Natural Resources Litigation
Insolvency Litigation
Securities Litigation
Class Action Litigation
Insurance Litigation
Commercial Litigation
2013 - 2016
Securities Litigation
Leading Practitioner
2014 - 2016
Expert Guide to World's Leading Lawyers
Litigation and Product Liability
2013 - 2014
Corporate Counsel Magazine
Top Rated Lawyer in Canada
2013 - 2014
The American Lawyer Magazine
Top Rated Lawyer in Canada
2013 - 2014
American Lawyer Media
Top Rated Lawyer in Canada
Zenith Award
Public Law
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Benchmark Litigation
Litigation Star
Energy & Natural Resources Litigation
Insurance Litigation
Securities Litigation
March of Dimes Canada
The Ellen Fairclough Society
2011 - 2012
Leading Practitioner
Personal Injury Litigation
Queen's Counsel Designation
(now King's Counsel)
Alberta Centennial Medal

Glenn Solomon KC, BA, LLB, LLM, LLM, FCIArb, ICD.D, is a senior partner at JSS Barristers. Glenn's counsel and advocacy work is in the areas of civil litigation and administrative law. Glenn's civil litigation practice includes business litigation, and corporate commercial and contract disputes. As a civil litigator, Glenn is routinely engaged as legal counsel in lawsuits, arbitrations and appeals involving shareholder and business disputes, securities, oil and gas, real estate, debt collection, regulatory proceedings, constitutional law and wills and estates. In his administrative law work, Glenn has participated in many judicial reviews, including extensive appearances in the areas of privacy and access law.
Glenn attended the University of Calgary where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in political science. Glenn obtained a law degree (LLB) from the University of Alberta. Glenn was on the Dean’s List for all 3 years of study at the University of Alberta, earned several scholastic awards and prizes, and served as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Alberta Law Review in 1989-90. Glenn has earned two Masters of Laws degrees (LLM) - one in Administrative Law and the other in Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution - from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Glenn has served as the Practitioner Advisor to the Alberta Law Review since 2005.
Civil Litigation Career
Upon graduation from the University of Alberta, Glenn articled at the Court of Appeal of Alberta and the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta. There, he gained insights as to how Courts consider and assess cases. Thereafter, Glenn joined a large national firm (Bennett Jones). Glenn was admitted to the Alberta Bar in 1991, and has practiced law continuously since then. Glenn joined JSS Barristers in 1998 and became a Partner in 1999. He served as the firm’s Managing Partner from 2010 to 2013. Prior to that, he was the firm’s Chairman from 2007 to 2008.
Experience as a Civil Litigation Lawyer
Glenn has extensive experience and success as an advocate and advisor, including as arbitration counsel, as a trial lawyer and as an appellate counsel, and has appeared at all levels of court in Alberta, the Federal Courts of Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada (five times as lead counsel for primary parties in cases heard, and several further times as lead counsel for primary parties on leave to appeal applications), and at a variety of administrative boards and tribunals. Glenn is routinely retained on matters that involve high stakes, high profile, or significant reputational issues. His engagements are typically on legally complex, and factually and document intensive, disputes involving significant monetary consequences.
In one case in which Glenn was successful lead counsel, the Court said: “The facts are convoluted and have all the twists and turns of a diabolical law school property exam.”
Glenn has served as counsel and as an advisor to several administrative boards and quasi-judicial tribunals.
As lead or sole counsel in litigation matters, Glenn frequently represents international and domestic corporations, governments and regulatory bodies, and individuals. Glenn has also served as an arbitrator in private arbitrations.
A sampling of some of Glenn’s cases is provided in the “Experience” section below.
Fellowships and Designations
Glenn is a fellow with the London, UK-based Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He serves on the executive of the Alberta Chapter of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Glenn is also a Fellow of Litigation Counsel of America (LCA), the Trial Lawyer Honorary Society, and a member of several of its Orders (Advocate or Order of Veritas and Order of Certus). LCA fellowship is limited to one-half of one percent of lawyers. Glenn holds an Institute of Corporate Directors “Director” (ICD.D) designation.
Awards and Recognitions
In 2010, Glenn was awarded a Queen’s Counsel (now King's Counsel) designation by the Lieutenant Governor on behalf of the Queen in Right of Alberta.
Glenn has been awarded two distinct medals: in 2005, Glenn was honoured as a recipient of the Alberta Centennial Medal in recognition of his significant contributions to his fellow citizens, his community and Alberta; and he was honoured as a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 in recognition of his significant contribution to his countrymen and his community.
Glenn has been the recipient of numerous awards and honours. Glenn has had an AV Preeminent peer review rating continuously since 2012, and an AV Preeminent judicial review rating continuously since 2015, in legal ability and ethical standards from LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell and - the highest rating given. His peer and judicial review commentaries in Martindale-Hubbell include:
- “A lawyer’s lawyer…”
- “One of the best litigators I know. He’s my first call.”
- “Glenn is a first rate lawyer who fights very hard for his clients.”
- “Mr. Solomon is one of the highest regarded and capable lawyers in Alberta. A truly strong lawyer, exceptionally responsive and top service to clients. Our firm has no hesitation in referring work to him on a conflict basis which is always done exceptionally. I have much esteem for Mr. Solomon.”
- “A leading practitioner in complex commercial litigation. Top of my list for referrals, particularly with "high demand" files/clients.”
- “Glenn is an extremely capable advocate in the court room. He presents his legal argument in a cogent and easily understood manner.”
Glenn has been consistently recognized as a peer-reviewed leading practitioner by Best Lawyers in Canada in Corporate and Commercial Litigation since 2015, and in Privacy and Data Security since 2021. In 2022 Best Lawyers in Canada recognized Glenn as the “Lawyer of the Year” in Privacy and Data Security in Calgary. Glenn has been recognized as a “Litigation Star” by Benchmark Litigation since 2012, in the areas of Administrative Law, Arbitration, Commercial Litigation, Energy Litigation and Insurance Litigation. Since 2014, Glenn has been recognized as a distinguished practitioner in Dispute Resolution by Chambers Global, the internationally renowned legal directory. Glenn is recognized as a Leading Individual by The Legal 500.
Glenn received a Canadian Lexpert Directory Repeatedly Recommended rating (peer review) in Personal Injury Litigation in 2008, 2011 and 2012, a Repeatedly Recommended Practitioner rating in Securities Litigation in 2014 through 2016, and a Leading Litigation Lawyer rating in Corporate and Commercial Litigation in 2020 and 2021. Glenn was the national recipient of the 2014 Lexpert Zenith Award in the field of Public Law.
Glenn has been recognized among Litigation and Product Liability Lawyers by Legal Media Group Guides to the World's Leading Litigation Lawyers, Expert Guides (2014 - 2016), as a "Top Rated Lawyer in Canada" by Corporate Counsel Magazine (2013 - 2014), The American Lawyer Magazine (2013 - 2014), and American Lawyer Media (2013 - 2014).
The “Awards and Recognitions” tab, to the left, provides a listing of some of Glenn’s peer and industry reviews and awards.
Civil Litigation Philosophy
Through his years of experience as a civil litigation lawyer, Glenn has been guided by some general principles in his handling of cases:
- Listen to the Client: In litigation, facts are weapons, and facts win cases. Clients have the facts. Sometimes this involves some digging within the client’s organization. Clients also have impressions about who their opponent is, and what motivates them. Those impressions are valuable insights to gain. Glenn strives to ensure that he obtains an early and fulsome understanding of the facts and the players from his clients.
- Client Resources Are Helpful: It is often the case that the client will have human and technological resources that can be used to forward a case. In those instances, capitalizing on client resources results in a better product at less cost.
- Communications Matter: A case is the client’s case. The client deserves to know what is, and is not, happening on their case. This involves timely, and informative, communications. Glenn prides himself on being a strong communicator. He provides reporting to clients as events occur within the litigation, offers explanations and insights as to the importance of those events, and provides options on how to deal with them.
- Explanations are Essential: Merely providing a client with reporting filled with jargon upends the lawyer-client relationship. Lawyers advise and represent. Clients instruct. In order to instruct, clients need to understand events, consequences and costs. Glenn does not assume that clients understand every nuance within the litigation, and makes the effort to ensure that clients have a comprehensive view of important events in order to allow them to make informed decisions. Glenn believes that any civil litigation lawyer who truly understands a subject matter can explain it in clear and simple terms. If a client does not understand what the lawyer has said, the fault rests with the lawyer.
- Litigation Involves Goals: Litigation must have a purpose. The client’s desired outcome is a necessary piece of information. Litigation counsel cannot achieve a client’s goals without knowing them. Those should not be assumed.
- Risk Assessment is a Client Priority: Determining the chances of achieving the client’s desired outcome, and alternative acceptable outcomes, at the outset, in terms of success and quantum, is a key service that a civil litigator should provide. The client deserves to know what they are buying. As facts and nuances emerge, the impact of those on the risk assessment must be clearly communicated.
- Litigation Strategy is a Requirement: Having the facts, analysis, explanations, options and goals allows the setting of a strategy. The strategy must be aimed at the client’s primary and collateral goals. A client’s goals will not be achieved without a plan. Having a plan maximizes the chances of success on each of the goals. The strategy serves as a guide to all litigation decisions.
- Proper Planning is Essential: Planning the execution of a litigation strategy occurs within a system of legal rules. It requires the rigorous application of project management, time management and resource management processes. It also involves ensuring that the right person, with the right skill set, at the right price, is assigned to each task in the interests of managing litigation costs and outcomes. Delegation to the most appropriate lawyer helps to maximize results at the lowest cost. Having a tasks matrix, with clear assignments of responsibility and timing, assists in managing litigation and ensuring that clients know what to expect and when. While it is a reality that there are opposing parties with other agendas that cannot be easily managed, managing one’s own agenda is achievable.
- Technology Must be Implemented: Litigation is complex and document intensive. Employing state of the art technology for document management, analysis and case preparation is essential. Without it, costs increase and results get compromised.
- Advancing Issues that Matter: A clearly articulated plan to achieve well-defined goals allows decisions to be made as to whether, and to what extent, interlocutory and other issues should be contested or pursued. Many issues can be managed without an expensive and distracting sideshow.
Writing and Speaking
As an author, Glenn has published numerous articles dealing with the practice of litigation, corporate and commercial disputes, administrative law, competition matters, personal property security, personal injury claims, collections, bankruptcy and insolvency, privacy law, court procedure, and other subjects. In addition, he has presented at, and moderated, a number of seminars for the legal profession in these and other areas of law and has been a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary. A list of some of Glenn’s writings, publications and lectures is provided below.
Since 2014, Glenn has been a Board Member, by appointment from the Government of Alberta, of the Alberta Management Opted-Out & Excluded Long-Term Disability Income Continuance Plan Second Level Appeal Board. From May 2013 to May 2022 Glenn served on the Board of the Calgary Zoological Society and the Calgary Zoo Foundation (Wilder Institute). He served as Vice-Chair of both boards from May 2017 to May 2019, and as Chair of both boards from May 2019 to through May 2022.
Glenn is married and has two adult children. He is shamelessly proud of his wife and children. Glenn plays drums and sings for the firm's rock band, the Advo-Cats, which plays music to benefit charities. The Advo-Cats is an example of how a group of very talented individuals can get together to perform below their lowest common denominator. Through its several iterations over the years, all of which have included Glenn, the Advo-Cats have raised approximately half a million dollars for charities. In his spare time, Glenn enjoys reading, playing any sports that involve keeping score, playing the drums, and riding Sea-Doos in unimaginably irresponsible ways which often result in Glenn and his ride being towed back to the marina. Glenn’s various exploits in the world of sports have resulted in several invasive surgeries. He remains undeterred.
Some of Glenn's representative experience or seminal cases are:
Ernst v Alberta Energy Regulator, 2017 SCC 1
Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v University of Calgary, 2016 SCC 53
Strickland v Canada (Attorney General), 2015 SCC 37
Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 401, 2013 SCC 62
Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v Alberta Teachers' Association, 2011 SCC 61
Secure 2013 Group Inc v Tiger Calcium Services Inc, 2018 ABCA 110
Tiger Calcium Services Inc. v Secure Resources Inc., 2018 ABCA 354
Edmonton Police Service v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2021 ABCA 428
Pillar Resource Services Inc. v PrimeWest Energy Inc., 2017 ABCA 19
Piikani Nation v Kostic, 2015 ABCA 60
University of Calgary v JR, 2015 ABCA 118
Leon's Furniture Limited v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2011 ABCA 94
Strickland v Canada (Attorney General), 2014 FCA 33
MTM Commercial Trust v Statesman Riverside Quays Ltd, 2022 ABQB 157
Heather v Elections Calgary, 2022 ABQB 32
Roy v Roy, 2021 ABQB 788
AHS v Cardinal, 2021 ABQB 678
Edmonton Police Service v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2021 ABQB 304
Aurora Holdings Inc v Winners Chapel International Calgary Fellowship, 2020 ABQB 581
Eng Family Trust v Eng, 2020 ABQB 382
Aurora Holdings Inc. v Winners Chapel International Calgary Fellowship, 2020 ABQB 295
Alberta Health Services v Farkas, 2020 ABQB 281
Eng Family Trust v Eng, 2019 ABQB 758
Carter v Alberta (Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General), 2019 ABQB 491
Alberta Health Services v Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta, 2018 ABQB 467
"SPECIAL EDITION Rules Newsletter No. 3 (May 2020)", May 6, 2020
Co-Author (with Sarah Miller & Daniel Gryba)
"SPECIAL EDITION Rules Newsletter No. 2 (April 2020)", April 15, 2020
Co-Author (with Sarah Miller & Daniel Gryba)
"Commercial 'Evictions' Are Not Suspended", April 8, 2020
Co-Author (with Laura Warner)
"Commercial Landlord and Tenant Agreements: The Need for Careful Analysis", April 2, 2020
"SPECIAL EDITION Rules Newsletter No. 1 (April 2020)", April 1, 2020
Co-Author (with Sarah Miller & Daniel Gryba)
"Regulatory Boards and Judicial Review: Some Essential Themes"
for presentation to The Law Society of Alberta, Calgary, May 15, 2014
Book Review, "The 48 Laws of Power"
by Robert Greene, (2013) 50 Alta L. Rev. 932
"Takin' Care of Business: Questioning Selected Officers and Past and Present Employees, Officers and Service Providers"
Barrister Magazine, Issue No. 108, p. 6, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers' Association, June 2013
"Break on Through to the Other Side: Civility and Difficult Counsel"
LIANSWERS Magazine, Issue No. 18, Lawyers' Insurance Association of Nova Scotia, March 2013
“Standing of Administrative Tribunals in Judicial Reviews"
Intra Vires, Canadian Bar Association, National Administrative Law Section, January 2013
"Break on Through to the Other Side: Civility and Difficult Counsel"
Barrister Magazine, Issue No. 106, p. 31, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers' Association, December 2012
"The Rules of Court - A Retrospective Psychoanalysis"
Law Matters, Canadian Bar Association, Alberta Branch, Vol. 36, No. 3, Fall 2011
"Fraudulent Conveyances and Preferences"
Bankruptcy: A Creditor's Perspective, Lorman Education Services, July, 2007
"Using Testimonials and Test Results"
(1998) Competition Law, Vol. IV, No. 2 at 210 (Federated Press)
"The Debate over a Corporation's Right to a Jury Trial"
(1997) Competition Law, Vol. IV, No. 1 at 201 (Federated Press)
"Getting Paid for Medical Reports"
Personal Injury (Newsletter), Bennett Jones Verchere, December, 1996
"Solus Agreements at Common Law"
(1996) Competition Law, Vol. III, No. 1 at 117 (Federated Press)
"Civil Proceedings Under the Competition Act"
(1996) Competition Law, Vol. II, No. 4 at 102 (Federated Press)
"Refusal to Deal"
(1995) Competition Law, Vol. I, No. 3 at 31 (Federated Press)
"The Perils of Forgetting Your Name"
Calgary Commerce Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 8, Nov. Dec. 1993 (Calgary Chamber of Commerce)
Freedom of Expression and the Charter
(Calgary: Thomson, 1991), D. Schneiderman, ed
Editorial Assistant
Language and the State (Montreal: Les Editions Yvon Blais, 1991) D. Schneiderman, ed.
Indexer and Editorial Assistant
XXVIII Alberta Law Review (1990)
A Guide to the Alberta Personal Property Security Act” (Edmonton: Alberta Law Review, 1990)
"The Judicial Nullification of Statutes Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982-1988"
(1990) XXVIII Alta L. Rev. 396.
"Solicitor-Client Privilege and Litigation Privilege", for Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch, South and North Sections, Privacy Law Sub-Section, Calgary, Alberta, January 30, 2017
"Provincial Update – Privacy and Access", CBA Annual Access to Information and Privacy Law Symposium, Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa, Ontario, October 28, 2016
Presenter and Panelist
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Solicitor-Client Privilege", for Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch, South Section, Business Law Sub-Section, Calgary, Alberta, October 20, 2016
"Standing of Administrative Tribunals in Judicial Reviews and Appeals", for Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch, South Section, Administrative Law Sub-Section, Calgary, Alberta, November 12, 2015
Author and Presenter
"Welcome to the Jungle: Landlord's Remedies in the Event of Default", for Canadian Bar Association, Alberta Branch, South Section, Commercial Real Property Subsection, May 6, 2015
Co-Author and Presenter
"The Quasi-constitutional Nature of Human Rights and Privacy Legislation", for Canadian Bar Association, Alberta Branch, South Section, Administrative Law and Privacy Law Subsections, Calgary, Alberta, February 23, 2015
“Quasi-Constitutional Status of Human Rights and Privacy Legislation", for The Intersection of Human Rights and Privacy, PIPA Connections Conference, November 13 and 14, 2014
"The Limits to Transparency in Administrative Decisions: Managing Conflicting Demands", for Canadian Bar Association National Administrative Law Sub-Section, Edmonton, Alberta, June 11, 2014
Co-Author and Presenter
“Questioning Selected Officers and Past and Present Employees, Officers and Service Providers", for Running Your First Questioning, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Lake Louise, Alberta, April 26, 2014
Author and Presenter
"Standard of Review in Judicial Review and Standing of Administrative Tribunals" for 4th Fair Hearing Course, Federated Press, Calgary, Alberta, April 11 and 12, 2013
Author and Presenter
4th Fair Hearing Course, Federated Press, Calgary, Alberta, April 11 and 12, 2013
Course Co-Leader / Moderator
"Applying Law to Factual Findings and Formulating Reasons for Decision" for 7th Decision Writing Course, Federated Press, Calgary, Alberta, April 9 and 10, 2013
Co-Author and Presenter
"Build me up Buttercup: The Foundational Rules and Interpretation of the Rules" for The Rules of Court Interpreted, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, November 29, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Getting the Party Started: Recent Treatment of Part 3 (Court Actions) of the Rules of Court" for The Rules of Court Interpreted, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, November 29, 2012
"Hide and Seek: Latent and Patent Defects" for Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch, South Section, Real Estate Law Sub-Section, Calgary, Alberta, November 14, 2012
Co-Author and Presenter
"Build me up Buttercup: The Foundational Rules and Interpretation of the Rules" for The Rules of Court Interpreted, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, November 7, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Recent Cases Under Privacy Legislation: Alberta, British Columbia and Canada", for PIPA Conference 2012 - Privacy on the Go, Calgary, Alberta, October 31- November 2, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Standing of Administrative Tribunals in Judicial Reviews", for Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch, South Section, Administrative Law Sub-Section, Calgary, Alberta, October 25, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Dealing with the Difficult and Obstructive Opposing Counsel", for Questioning: The Common and not so Common Issues, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association, Edmonton, Alberta, October 24, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Questioning: The Common and not so Common Issues", for Questioning: The Common and not so Common Issues, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association, Edmonton, Alberta, October 24, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Dealing with the Difficult and Obstructive Opposing Counsel", for Questioning: The Common and not so Common Issues, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association, Calgary, Alberta, October 22, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Questioning: The Common and not so Common Issues", for Questioning: The Common and not so Common Issues, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association, Calgary, Alberta, October 22, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Judicial Consideration of the Rules of Court – Roll Up for the Magical Mystery Tour", for Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch, South Section, Research Law Sub-Section, Calgary, Alberta, March 21, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Regulatory Boards and Judicial Review: Deference and the Need to Win Before the Adjudicator", for Insight Energy Contracts Conference, Insight Information, Calgary, Alberta, March 6, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Back off: The Deference Trilogy", for Canadian Bar association, South Section, Administrative Law Sub-Section and Privacy Law Sub-Section Joint Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, February 27, 2012
Author and Presenter
"Stick to your Knitting: The SCC and the ATA News Decision", for Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch, North Section, Administrative Law Sub-Section and Privacy Law Sub-Section Joint Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, February 21, 2012
Author and Presenter
"The Foundational Rules and Interpretation of the Rules - Can We Get Along?", for the Rules of Court Interpreted, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, November 8, 2011
Author and Presenter
"The Foundational Rules and Interpretation of the Rules - Can We Get Along?", for the Rules of Court Interpreted, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, November 2, 2011
Author and Presenter
"The Year in Review: An Overview of Recent Orders and Court Decisions in B.C., Alberta and Canada", for PIPA Conference 2011 - Privacy: It's Your Business, Vancouver, B.C., October 12-14, 2011
Author and Presenter
Bankruptcy: A Creditor's Perspective in Alberta, Lorman Education Services, April 21, 2009
Seminar Moderator
"Fraudulent Conveyances and Preferences", for Bankruptcy: A Creditor's Perspective in Alberta, Lorman Education Services, April 21, 2009
Author and Presenter
"The Anatomy of a Debt Collections Action", for Bankruptcy: A Creditor's Perspective in Alberta, Lorman Education Services, April 21, 2009
Author and Presenter
"Blame Games: Apportionment of Liability and Comparative Blameworthiness", Legal Education Society of Alberta, Lake Louise Refresher Course, May 3-7, 2008
Co-Author and Presenter
Bankruptcy: A Creditor's Perspective in Alberta, Lorman Education Services, February 20, 2008
Seminar Moderator
"Fraudulent Conveyances and Preferences", for Bankruptcy: A Creditor's Perspective in Alberta, Lorman Education Services, February 20, 2008
Author and Presenter
Collection Law: The Good, the Bad and the Profitable in Alberta, Lorman Education Services, November 21, 2007.
Seminar Moderator
"Getting from Debt to Judgment", for Collection Law: The Good, the Bad and the Profitable in Alberta, Lorman Education Services, November 21, 2007
Author and Presenter
"Objections at Trial" and "Impeachment at Trial", and Training Session Instructor, for Evidence for Litigators, Legal Education Society of Alberta and The Advocates' Society, November 19, 2007
"Proving Causation – How to Cross the Rubicon: A Review of Factual and Legal Causation", for Litigating Catastrophic Disability and Damages, Insight Information, Vancouver, B.C., October 22-23, 2007
Co-Author and Presenter
"Opening and Closing Statements at Trial", Alberta Law Conference, Canadian Bar Association, March 16, 2007
"Cross-Examination – Trials and Tribulations", Alberta Law Conference, Canadian Bar Association, March 2007
"Loss of Housekeeping Damages in Personal Injury Cases", Canadian Institute, September 30, 2004
Author and Presenter
"Traffic Accidents, Insurance and Remedies", Calgary Immigrant Aid Society and Calgary Family Services Society, May 13, 2000
"Pre-Trial Remedies", Canadian Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, January 25, 2000
"Advising the Business Client on the Pros and Cons of Litigation", Canadian Bar Association Business Section, February 19, 1998
"Serious Soft Tissue Injuries, Causation and Alleged Malingering: Legal Analysis", Difficult Personal Injury Claims (Lexpert/Silrun Information Services Limited), May 1997
Co-Author and Presenter