Bar Admissions
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, LL.M. - major in dispute resolution
University of Alberta, LL.B.
University of Calgary, BSc. - Chemical Engineering
ADR Institutes of Alberta and Canada
Calgary Bar Association
Canadian Bar Association
Canadian Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
Canadian Energy Law Foundation
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
International Academy of Mediators
International Chamber of Commerce - ICC Canada Arbitration Committee
Law Society of Alberta
Litigation Counsel of America
Western Canada Commercial Arbitration Society
Teaching Roles
Tutor, Accelerated Route to Fellowship (Online)
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Canada Branch, 2019, 2021, 2023
Guest Lecturer, Civil Procedure (Arbitration)
University of Calgary: Faculty of Law, 2018
Instructor, Advocacy
Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education, 2012
Guest Instructor, Advocacy
Legal Education Society of Alberta: Intensive Trial Advocacy Workshop, 2009 & 2011
Sessional Instructor, Civil Procedure
University of Calgary: Faculty of Law, 2003 - 2010
Guest Instructor, Trial Advocacy
University of Calgary: Faculty of Law - Intensive Trial Advocacy Workshop, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009
Regular Guest Speaker, Nursing and Healthcare in Forensic Populations
University of Calgary: Faculties of Nursing and Continuing Education, 1997 - 2002
Guest Lecturer, Civil Procedure
University of Calgary: Faculty of Law, 2002
Guest Lecturer, Remedies
University of Calgary: Faculty of Law, 2000
Alberta Energy Regulator
Included on roster of mediators
(2003 - present)
Legal Education Society of Alberta
Member - Board of Directors
(2012 - 2021)
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Canada Branch)
Member - Branch Executive Committee
(2017 - present)
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Alberta Branch)
Chair - Chapter Executive Committee
(2017 - present)
Alberta Utilities Commission
Included on the roster of mediators
(2020 - present)
Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board since 2023
Included on the roster of mediators
ADR Institute of Canada since 2023
Member: Arbitration Committee
Mount Royal University: Forensic Studies Program
(2006 – 2013)
Member - Community Advisory Board
(2002 – 2006)
Ad hoc advisor
(1999 – 2002)
Co-author of two Internet course units
Certus Strategies and Canadian Dispute Resolution Corporation
Included on list of mediators
(1997 - 2004, 2006 - 2008)
Law Society of Alberta
Member - Insurance Committee
Resicare Society of Alberta
Member (and multiple terms as President) - Board of Directors
(1994 - 2003)
Law Society of Alberta
Member - Conduct Committee
(2000 - 2003)
Theatre Junction
Member - Board of Directors
(1996 - 1999)
Alberta Justice Provincial Court
Included on roster of mediators - Civil Claims Mediation Program
(1998 - 1999)
Better Business Bureau
Included on roster of mediators - Mediation Program
(1996 - 1998)
Awards & Recognition
Legal 500
Dispute Resolution: Alberta
Leading Individual
2014 - 2023
Best Lawyers
Alternative Dispute Resolution
2021 - 2023
Best Lawyers
Corporate and Commercial Litigation
2021 - 2023
Best Lawyers
Labour and Employment Law
Best Lawyers
International Arbitration
Best Lawyers
Lawyer of the Year, Calgary
Alternative Dispute Resolution
2014 - 2021
Benchmark Litigation
Litigation Star
2020 - 2021
Commercial Arbitration
Repeatedly Recommended
Queen's Counsel Designation
(now King's Counsel)
University of Calgary, Faculty of Law
Howard Tidswell Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence (Nominee)
Avenue Magazine
Top 40 Under 40

Sabri M. Shawa is a founding partner of JSS Barristers; he is a highly regarded arbitrator, mediator, negotiator and litigator.
Over more than three decades, Sabri has practiced in Calgary, and has been appointed to arbitrate dozens of matters. He has also been hired to mediate hundreds of disputes. As a negotiator, he has assisted parties in reaching a variety of complex long-term agreements. As a litigator, he has represented and advised thousands of parties in matters before the courts, various administrative and regulatory boards and tribunals, arbitrations, and mediations. In addition to conventional litigation, a large part of his practice has been in an advisory capacity - assisting clients to avoid and manage litigation. He has also been retained as an expert witness on Alberta law on numerous occasions.
In addition to practicing, Sabri has extensive experience in teaching. For 8 years, he taught Civil Procedure at the University of Calgary Law School, a required course for all students. Additionally, he taught in a variety of other programs and has spoken about a wide range of topics at many conferences and seminars.
In 2012, Sabri was appointed Queen’s Counsel (now King's Counsel).
In 2014, he was admitted as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, an internationally recognized dispute resolution organization based in London. Sabri also serves on the Executive Board of the Institute’s Canadian branch and is the Chairperson of its Alberta chapter.
He has long been listed in Best Lawyers in Canada and was named Calgary’s Lawyer of the Year in 2020 for Alternative Dispute Resolution. For many years, Sabri has been listed as a Litigation Star by Benchmark Canada, for arbitration and dispute resolution, among other things. The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory also lists him as a leading practitioner and as repeatedly recommended for Commercial Arbitration.
Sabri is a member of the Canadian Academy of Distinguished Neutrals and Western Canada Commercial Arbitration Society, ADR Institutes of Alberta and Canada, Litigation Counsel of America and a fellow of the International Academy of Mediators.
Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP, 1995–Present
Firm Chairman 2008–2014
Managing Partner 1997–2004
Founding Partner 1995
MacKimmie Matthews, 1990-1995
Associate, Litigation Department
Articling Student
Arbitration, Mediation, and Negotiation
The broad scope of Sabri's litigation practice over the years has allowed him to develop a deep understanding of many businesses, industries and ventures. That familiarity, coupled with his training in dispute resolution, equips him to serve as an independent arbitrator and mediator in a wide variety of disputes. As part of his formal training, he has studied arbitration, international commercial dispute resolution, mediation, and international trade law.
He has been appointed as arbitrator on dozens of occasions, in both administered and ad hoc arbitrations, including through the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, with respect to:
- Construction and engineering projects
- Natural resource ventures
- Shareholders, franchise, partnership and joint venture agreements
- Commercial agreements generally
- Sales of business
- Insurance claims and coverage
- Umpire determinations under s. 519 of the Alberta Insurance Act
- Commercial lease renewal rates
- Employment and labour relations.
As counsel, he has represented parties in many more arbitrations, concerning a wide variety of matters, both domestic and international, administered and ad hoc. He has appeared as counsel at the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. He also has experience drafting submission agreements and arbitration clauses, and has provided advice and opinions on enforceability of arbitration provisions and appeals and enforcement of awards.
Sabri has been retained to mediate hundreds of disputes (including several with a very large number of parties) and represented parties in many others, including with respect to:
- Breach of contract
- Shareholder, partner, and joint venture relationships
- Plant and facilities disasters
- Construction and project management
- Land use and environmental contamination
- Trucking and transportation
- Employment
- Professional negligence
- Insurance
- Personal injury
- Medical malpractice
In addition, he has been appointed as a mediator by the Alberta Utilities Commission in respect of an electricity rate application.
General Commercial Litigation, as well as Administrative & Regulatory Proceedings with an emphasis on Engineering, Energy, and the Environment
Over the course of his career, Sabri has been regularly retained to provide advice and representation in respect of claims (in both litigation and arbitration) and regulatory proceedings concerning:
- Construction projects
- Engineering and design faults and failures
- Oil and gas operating and royalty agreements, as well as ownership and rights issues
- Misappropriation of proprietary technology and data
- Environmental contamination, nuisance, and remediation and reclamation
- Electrical transmission and generation
- Pipelines
- Contractual disputes
- Negligence
- Insurance, including coverage
- Professional negligence
- Professional misconduct and discipline
- Admission to professional associations and licencing.
Employment and Business Relationships
As counsel in litigation, and as an advisor to employers and employees, he provides representation and advice in employment and professional matters, particularly with respect to executives, involving:
- Wrongful and constructive dismissals
- Employment issues in restructurings and succession planning
- Employee misfeasance and misconduct
- Breaches of confidentiality as well as non-competition and non-solicitation obligations
- Breaches of fiduciary duties
- Injunctions.
He has negotiated, drafted, and provided advice with respect to:
- Employment, executive compensation, and independent contractor agreements
- Services and partnership agreements
- Employment policies.
In addition, he has investigated, reported and advised, on complaints against directors, officers and employees.
Other Experience
Over the years Sabri has acted for and against various municipalities around Alberta in respect of environmental and development disputes in court and at regulatory hearings, including at the Environmental Appeals Board.
Early in his career he represented hospitals and hospital employees in medical malpractice claims. After doing that for several years, he then acted for plaintiffs in medical malpractice actions against various healthcare professionals and institutions. Over the past decade or so, Sabri's medical malpractice experience has been as mediator in those disputes.
Sabri also has extensive experience, though long ago, with insurance defence and plaintiffs personal injury litigation.
“Civil Procedure Update”
Halsbury’s Laws of Canada, First Edition 2011, Alberta Rules of Court, Cumulative Supplement Release 14, LexisNexis
“Mandatory Mediation Under the New Alberta Rules of Court - the First Year”
Law Matters, Canadian Bar Association, 2011
“Informed Consent Most Difficult”
Lawyer’s Weekly: Medical Negligence Issue, 1998
Speaking Engagements
"The Decision Makers Speak! - View from the Bench" York University, Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development: Certificate in Construction Law, 2021, 2022 and 2023
"The Search for Efficiency in Arbitration" Western Canada Commercial Arbitration Society - Annual General Meeting, 2023
"The Search for Efficiency in Arbitration" CanArbWeek - Annual Conference (Toronto), 2023
"The Essentials of Conducting Negotiations: When, Where and How to Engage Successful Outcomes" Canadian Bar Association - Skilled Lawyer Series, 2023
"How Far Can the Arbitrator Go: Relying on Law not Raised by Counsel", Western Canada Commercial Arbitration Society - Annual Conference, 2023
"How Far Can the Arbitrator Go: Relying on Law not Raised by Counsel", Canadian Bar Association - Alberta Branch, 2023
"Drafting Effective Mediation Briefs", Canadian Bar Association - Alberta Branch, 2023
"Civil Litigation Primer for Journalists", CBC Calgary, Learn at Lunch, 2022
"Advantages and Disadvantages of Arbitration and Combined Mediation and Arbitration", Vogel LLP Speaker Series, Arbitration of Commercial Disputes, 2022
"Basics of Mediation - a Refresher", National Judicial Institute, Court of Appeal Education Seminar, 2021
"Remedies for Unfavourable Arbitration Awards: Appeals, Setting Aside, and Declarations of Invalidity", Canadian Bar Association: Alberta Branch, ADR Subsection, 2020
"Appeals, Setting Aside, and Declarations of Invalidity", ADR Institute of Canada, Arbitration Appeals: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, 2020
“Arbitration Pitfalls & Misconceptions”, ADR Institute of Alberta Luncheon, 2019
“Arbitration Pitfalls & Misconceptions”, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association (Calgary and Edmonton), 2019
“Basics of Arbitration and Making the Most of Mediation”, Derer Lutz, No Longer Alternative Dispute Resolution Symposium, 2019
“Limitation Periods in Arbitration”, ADR Institute of Canada, ADR to the Rescue of Justice Conference, Montreal, 2018
“Limitation Periods of Arbitration”, Canadian Bar Association: Alberta Branch - ADR Subsection, 2018
“Arbitrating the Construction Dispute”, York University, Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development: Certificate of Construction Law - Western Canada Edition, 2016
“Arbitration”, Canadian Bar Association: Alberta Branch - ADR Subsection, 2015
“Mediations: Games People Play”, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association: Litigation Potpourri, 2015
“Arbitration”, Central Alberta Bar Association, Red Deer, 2015
“Evidence Law Refresher the Rule of Browne v Dunne and Evidence Not Called: The Adverse Inference”, Legal Education Society of Alberta, 2014
“How to Establish a Successful Litigation Practice”, Canadian Bar Association: Alberta Law Conference, 2014
“Candid Conversations with Men in Law Round Table Discussion”, University of Calgary, Faculty of Law, 2014
“Thinking Outside the Box to Realize ALL Potential Benefits of Commercial Arbitration”, ADR Institute of Canada/International Chamber of Commerce Canada Gold Standard in ADR Conference, Toronto, 2013
Panelist and Workshop Instructor
“Evidence for Litigators Seminar”, Legal Education Society of Alberta: Advocacy Series, 2011
“Financial Experts in ADR”, ADR Institute of Canada: Peak Performance in ADR Conference, Vancouver, 2011
“Selection, Appointment and Jurisdiction of the Arbitrator”, “Scope and Composition of the Award”, “Enforcement of Domestic and International Awards”, Legal Education Society of Alberta, Arbitration Seminar, 2011
"New Lawyer Experience Seminar", Legal Education Society of Alberta, 2009
“Medical Care for the Gravely Ill - Who Calls the Shots?”, Calgary Medical Legal Society, 2008
Interviewed about an injunction obtained in respect of a comatose patient in respect of whom a do-not-resuscitate order had been made. The National at Six, CBC TV and Calgary Eyeopener, CBC Radio, 2007
Graduation Guest Speaker
Cochrane High School, 1989 & 2004
“Elective C-Sections - Latest Challenges and Complications”, Insight Information Co.: Obstetric Malpractice and Risk Management Conference, Vancouver, 2004
“Sexual Torts Workshop”, Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association: Sexual Torts Workshop, 2004
Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association: Section B Auto Insurance Workshop, 2003
“Building the Plaintiff’s Case”, The Canadian Institute: Litigating Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries Conference, Toronto, 2003
Regular Guest Speaker
“Nursing and Healthcare in Forensic Populations”, University of Calgary: Faculties of Nursing and Continuing Education, 1997 - 2002
“Use of Experts in Accident Reconstruction”, Canadian Institute: Claims Litigation Conference, 2002
Regular Speaker
“Legal Liability, Insurance and Screening Practices for Not-For-Profit Organizations”, Volunteer, Calgary, 1997–2000
Internet radio interview about suing politicians, Essential Talk Network, 2000
National Dispute Resolution Conference: Conflict Solution, 2000
“Standard of Care, Consent and Limitation Period Issues”, Lexpert: Medical Negligence Conference, 1998
“Informed Consent”, Canadian Bar Association: Health Law Subsection, 1998